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Scholarship Assistance


Scholarship Assistance

Any hesitation regarding studying overseas is naturally related to the price tag. However, most students don’t know that they may apply for on-campus financial aid package in form of scholarships to aid their study abroad trip. In fact, for several students, those who are paying out-of-state-tuition, studying overseas can be rather cheaper than a conventional on-campus semester.

Now, what’s a scholarship? A study abroad scholarship is a financial award for students for the expenses of the program such as course credits, travel, books, accommodation. Students should apply for scholarships and those can be extremely competitive or underutilized. The types of study overseas scholarships depend on certain parameters:


Awards depend on a student’s creative, academic, athletic abilities, extracurricular activities or community service record. It’s significant to note that qualifications differ depending on the scholarship.


Scholarships awarded by a nation to students looking to pursue a program in that country, as an incentive to learn in that nation rather than elsewhere. Confirm with government-sponsored travel websites of a nation where you desire to study and see what scholarships are offered.


Scholarships for applicants who originally qualify depending on factors like gender, faith, race, family or medical history, or other student-specific aspects. Minority scholarships are common awards, but vary based on the exact scholarship.


Scholarships awarded by programs or institutions based on particular major or area of study. These scholarships might necessitate the recipients to register in subject-specific programs or conduct major-specific research being abroad, qualifications vary according to each scholarship.


Program-specific scholarships are obtainable with individual study overseas programs and/or at the universities who may consider qualified applicants. These scholarships are frequently awarded on the basis of academic or personal accomplishment. Check with study overseas program and university to witness the available scholarships.

Harlog Consultancy Ltd agrees that getting scholarships is quite challenging, but it’s worth that ample time and effort. So get yourself ready to face stiff competition. It all perhaps seems hazy now, that’s why Harlog Consultancy Ltd would shed some light on the matter. Here are some ideas on finding extremely sought-after types of financial aid:

Sharp Decline

With a falling rupee and mounting tuition and living cost, currently scholarships are more crucial in student life. With currency depreciation, British Council computed the average boost in cost of studying at US, UK, Australia. For US, the approximate rise was by USD 10,800, for 0 UK by USD 9,200, and in case of Australia, USD 11,700. Indian student numbers might have seen a trivial cut over the last few years due to these reasons. In response, UK launched 375 scholarships in 2014, just to hearten Indian students. Recently, 345 US colleges proffered financial aid to students worldwide.

Harlog Consultancy Ltd Database

Harlog Consultancy Ltd holds the leading global scholarship database in India, we can support as well as guide you to help you obtain financial support. We have 60,000 scholarships listed from Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, USA, Switzerland, Germany, France, Spain, UK among others. We offer a scholarship guidance by study level or subject area to make things easy for you. Interested to begin a scholarship search with Harlog Consultancy Ltd? Contact us today!

Individual Research

As you leaf through a few university websites, you might perhaps be hit by apprehension of how tough this is. Many grants, scholarships and loans are obtainable for domestic students but a handful for international ones. Harlog Consultancy Ltd doesn’t let you feel discouraged – you can do an informed research with our guidance.

Begin Early

If you waited till the last moment to find scholarships, you might be far behind and have a tough time. As soon as you have chosen the program and institution, or finished short-listing, start looking for scholarships. Regarding application to scholarships, the university may involve you to generate a certification of funds to confirm that you can fund your education. Some won’t even deem giving you admission without proof. So start early!

Brush Up on Writing

Do you know that a high-quality scholarship essay helps you to impress the scholarship committee? It must be well-structured and be to the point. Ensure to cover the topic with supportive points. Once done, get it proof-read and spell-check it repeatedly, it never hurts to stay cautious. This process could be time-consuming, so we advise you don’t linger till the final minute to put it on paper.

Say Hello

Harlog Consultancy Ltd thinks that we must familiarize you with some famous scholarships for your search:

S P Jain Global Business Scholarships

S P Jain School of Global Management (SPJ) offers full/partial scholarships for tuition and housing costs, , for , tri-city bachelor, MBA programs, masters in Global Business. This scholarship is for students who have an intense curiosity to reside and study in Singapore, Australia and Dubai. Upon course completion, students attain a degree recognized by The Government of Australia. A passion for international business, brilliant academic credentials, English proficiency, accomplishment in extra-curricular activities is a plus.

Challenge Your Perspectives 2015

Challenge Your Perspectives is for students graduating from e US, they can win a complete tuition fee waiver for a 2-year master’s program at Chalmers University of Technology, in the department of Technology, Management and Economics, with a summer job in 2016 at Volvo in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Reach Cambridge Scholarship Essay Competition

This is designed for academically brilliant students who wouldn’t otherwise can attend its summer programs. Students shall write an essay already specified at the official website. First prize – a 3-week scholarship (awarded to maximum 2 students): 100% of the course fee for either 3-week July/August program in 2015.

Amsterdam Science Scholarships

The Amsterdam Science Scholarships are offered for students to study in GRAPPA MS program. Grants cover full 2-year period and offer a stipend for living expenses. It’s open to overseas students worldwide. It is aimed at gifted students who are motivated to visit Netherlands for masters. The scholarships are awarded by Science Scholarship Committee.

DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service

Scholarships are presented to undergraduate/graduate students from the US and Canada for short plus long-term study in Germany. Students are qualified for partaking in summer study, internships, senior thesis or summer courses at the German universities.

Erasmus Mundus scholarships

2-year-long Master program TEMA recommends the study of political exercise and scientific account of territorial units (city, region, nation, civilization) in an inter-disciplinary or research-based program.

Chevening Scholarships

Chevening Scholarships, a celebrated international scheme are UK government’s worldwide scholarship program, supported by Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). Outstanding scholars with leadership prospects from across the world can continue postgraduate courses at UK universities. 42,000 Chevening alumni encompass an important and extremely powerful global network. The program offers full/part funding for full-time courses at master’s level, in any subject or UK university.

CSFP (Commonwealth Scholarship/Fellowship Plan)

The most renowned scholarships for Commonwealth countries. In India, this scholarship is administered by Commonwealth Scholarships Commission, British Council, the Government of India. Students who aspire to pursue courses in Science (Pure and Applied), Engineering and Technology, Agriculture, Humanities, Social Sciences can apply. The preliminary candidate selection is carried out by Department of Education from the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. Eligible applications are confirmed, short-listed and followed by personal interviews in New Delhi.

Hornby Scholarships

The A.S. Hornby Educational Trust presents the Hornby Scholarship to scholars to study an ELT course in UK. Applicants must have an IELTS score of 6.5 or more and must be accepted at any institution in UK for pursuing a postgraduate ELT course. Applicants must have a minimum of 5 years’ hands-on or direct experience as English language teacher/trainer. They could also have been occupied in developmental work as trainers/managers. The scholarship covers the entire tuition fee.

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